Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Big Brother

I'm so happy that Tommy is so excited to be a big brother!  Tonight he sang to the baby.  Poor kid, he can't carry a tune better than either of his parents (or at least his mom...)!

We had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is already 4 pounds!  I guess I really should finish painting the nursery... it's actually going to be the first full blown decorated nursery we've had.  We moved in when Tommy was 4 months old, and decorating and painting in a brand new house went very slow.... I would still have to say that the house is more "lived in" than decorated, but with all the stuff, who has time to notice?

Please pray for us as we approach some huge life changes when this baby arrives.. we are seriously considering whether or not I should return to work.  Both Tom and I want to do the best we can for our kids, but knowing what's best can be tough!