Sunday, June 24, 2012

Growth spurt!

Now 6 weeks old, our beautiful baby girl Jillian is definitely going through another growth spurt!  She has spent a majority of the day eating or sleeping, which is a big change from the long periods of being awake and active that have become her norm.  She's probably also enjoying some peace and quiet since her big brother is visiting grandparents:)
We're all pretty worn out, but loving every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. She's looking a bit more round than when I saw her! :) And as Wade always likes to quote to me, "Where the trough is clean, there are no oxen." For me, that's a reminder that a dirty house (or lack of sleep) means I have precious kids in my home, and that is so much better than a clean, but empty, house. (Although when I'm 60, I think a clean house will be a nice change!)
